Turning Points Research Chair
The Cartier - ESCP - HEC Paris Research Chair

The ambition of the Chair is to share a research culture and help to tackle current and future turning points in our business practice and societal impact.
Co-directed by Professors Benjamin Voyer of ESCP and Anne Laure Sellier of HEC Paris
This is an unprecedented collaboration of this scale between two of France's leading Business Schools and the prestigious Maison Cartier.

The Chair cultivates research questions raised by current turning points such as sustainability, new relations to consumption, generation Z behaviours, as well as preparing for upcoming challenges. It will open the door to exciting debates that will nourish, inspire and enlighten the communities of both students and managers.
Beyond its academic research focus, enabling the chair-holders to conduct cutting-edge academic research in their area of expertise, the Turning Points Chair will provide a learning lab for Cartier and the two school’s student community, by:
Providing food for thought and inspirational learnings to Cartier community worldwide
Engaging in a dialogue through live case studies, to capture different cultural and generational perspective on specific business and societal issues
Creating an observatory of generational and cultural changes, bringing together students and Cartier internal teams
Capturing best practices on sustainability with the writing of a case study at Cartier, highlighting and challenges ahead
Field of Activity
Tackling research questions raised by current turning points such as sustainability, new relations to consumption, generation Z behaviours, as well as prepare for upcoming turning points, this Chair opens wide the doors for exciting debates that will nourish, inspire and enlighten the communities of both managers and students.
This Chair:
Explores specific research topics identified with professors
Provides food for thought and inspirational learnings
Engages with the student community to get the Gen Z external perspective on specific topics and business challenges

Chair Founders