Agnese Stango
ESCP Business School
Hello everyone!
I’m Agnese, I just finished my last year of master’s in management at ESCP and I have spent three years travelling around Europe between Berlin, Italy and Paris. I have a profile that is halfway immersed in the world of cultural organizations and media, hence I graduated in Venice in Economy of Arts in 2018 and I had some experiences in the arts such as at the Peggy Guggenheim Collection as Business Developer or at some arts galleries, as well as in the advertising world, where I am currently working as Account at the Agency BETC in Paris.
Accordingly, I have always felt to be a hybrid personality: with a strong creative mind matched by an equally strong sense of practicality, and I understood that my comfort zone lies in the combination between ideation and Implementation.
One of the elements that bring together the two dimensions of work I’m involved with, is that they both require to have an updated look on social trends and to be in contact with the POV from new generations. For this reason, I was really attracted by the idea of joining the team of the Turning Point Research Chair, which has started as a personal interest and finally ended up in an incredible experience of teamwork, exchange of views and networking.
David Sigant-Båtman
ESCP Business School
Sharing my homes in Bangkok and Stockholm, I have always been interested in the diversity of people and more specifically the people around myself as a Gen Z:er. Starting as a youth politician and national board member at an international NGO at 15 years old, I sought to engage in debates that drive Gen Z questions forward. For me, debunking the notion of Gen Z as a one-sided generation has been the main objective - due to the diverse spectrum that the generation is carrying.
I am currently an undergraduate student in Management at ESCP, and I previously lived in Paris and am currently based in Turin. I have primarily worked in investments as a Venture Capital Analyst in Dubai to further drive the growth of promising tech start-ups in underserved markets. I also work part-time as a strategy- and management consultant on a freelance basis to advise a Fortune 100 company and a pharmaceutical company with business intelligence and market strategy.
The lack of Gen Z founded companies being able to scale beyond the seed stage, as well as the financial uncertainty that many Gen Z faces in their personal finance is a question I hold very dearly. My research at Cartier-ESCP-HEC Observatory has so far included Gen Z finance, the concept of love on the digital sphere, and relevant industry verticals for Gen Z on the job market. One key learning that has derived from my research at the observatory is that while it is difficult to explain an entire generation’s view on a topic, keeping a nuanced and holistic view is pivotal to avoid confirmation bias. There is not always an answer, but there are indeed observations that may be synthesized.
Louis Herlin
ESCP Business School
After graduating as an engineer from the Mines de Saint Etienne specializing in Industrial Engineering, I wanted to broaden my skills by entering a business school and becoming an ESCP student was the best way to do so. Thanks to my apprenticeship during the engineering school, I gained real professional experience during 3 years within the PSA Group, in the "Industrialization Vehicle Assembly" department. There, I developed technical and organizational skills, working on an industrial project.
During my first internship I worked as an assistant to the project manager. The project we were working on was to reorganize the distribution of raw materials for Chanel's fashion department on a global scale.
During my second internship, I stepped in the marketing industry as product manager assistant for traditional watches at Cartier, in the French marketing department.
Working for the HEC-ESCP-CARTIER Chair as a curator during the past 6 months was a great opportunity to develop knowledge concerning GenZ and challenges related to this generation, with a pluricultural and motivated team.
My extra-professional activities such as scouting, competitive cycling or consultant for the ESCP Junior Entreprise have enabled me to develop a sense of teamwork but also a culture of performance, alone or with others.
Finally, I am passionate about the automotive and watchmaking industries and my goal is to be an actor in these fields.
Martina Bersani
ESCP Business School
I am Martina Bersani and I recently graduated from ESCP Business School, from the Master in Management program with a specialization in sustainability and innovation. I come from Italy but I moved to France in 2017, where my career in the sustainable fashion and luxury industry started. Prior to this experience, I lived and studied in Venice, Amsterdam and Berlin, where I saw different cultures, heritage and people, and I was inspired to make an impact in the world. I am convinced that analyzing new trends, understanding various perspectives and building communities can help us improve the world of tomorrow.
When I am not calculating the environmental impact of luxury supply chains, I scroll TikTok, shop vintage, cook or walk around to find street art graffiti with my newly adopted puppy, Ernesto.
Prachi Srivastava
ESCP Business School
Hello! I'm Prachi from India, and I'm currently a final year Master in Management student at ESCP Business School.
Having lived in Paris and London, along with multiple cities in India, I'm super interested in how marketing concepts and creative business solutions translate across cultures. With the Cartier-ESCP-HEC Gen-Z Observatory, I've been able to explore this through an additional perspective - that of generational differences. I've previously worked with impact-driven organizations in France, USA, and India, led volunteering efforts for helping underprivileged students with financing opportunities and academic tutoring, and worked as an editor for multiple publications.
When I'm not working, I spend my time either reading (especially philosophy and science fiction), or gushing over how brilliant Ursula K. Le Guin is, or falling through Wikipedia rabbit-holes.
You can reach out to me via LinkedIn :)
Sylvie Rood
ESCP Business School
My name is Sylvie Rood and I am currently a student at ESCP receiving a MSc in Marketing and Creativity. I grew up in Brooklyn, New York and began my career in the arts as a ballet dancer, working my way from Lincoln Center to a career at the San Francisco Ballet. There I learned the value of artistic expression and the importance of self-discipline. During this time, I developed an interest in design and my ballet experience gave me a unique understanding of the interaction between clothing and movement and the transformative effects that fashion can have upon an individual. After receiving a fashion design degree at the Fashion Institute of Technology in NYC, I worked with luxury fashion houses in women’s wear. Design opened a world of opportunities for creation that is both deeply rooted in societal conversations, logistical challenges, and innovative possibilities. I continued to be involved in the dance world, but this time as an independent costume designer for ballet companies across the United States. I created a brand that catered to professional dancers and allowed me to explore an entrepreneurial mindset and delve into brand creation. My current studies in marketing have allowed me to continue this story and incorporate worlds beyond dance. The ability to explore societal needs and connect on a humanistic level through shared stories is a venture I am looking forward to continuing.
Yulin Chen
ESCP Business School
Hello! I am Yulin from China, I am currently a Master in Management year 2 student at ESCP Business School, specialise in consulting and marketing and working in Lancôme product marketing team.
As a Chinese Gen Z, growing up with the internet, I love 📷 video shooting and making in my spare time, video is a really good way to record life, share ideas and pleasure thing on social media with others and followers. Having studied and lived in Shanghai and Paris, it is super interesting to meet and communicate with young talent and Gen Z with different background. Culture-across brainstorming always provide inspiration and open my mind.
With the Cartier-ESCP-HEC Gen Z Observatory. It is a great opportunity to 🎙share Chinese Gen Z’s voice with Cartier team and international students. We believe that Gen Z in China, compared with elder generations, have adequate knowledge to realise the real challenges 👀, willing to share ideas 💡and known the difference that Gen Z can make.
Welcome to reach out and connect via LinkedIn