Alma Ullén
ESCP Business School
I was raised in a home where the two cultures - arts and science - were always present. After spending formative years at a performing school for classical music and arts, a part of my personality that was more practically oriented guided me towards the fields of business. Later experiences within project management further fueled my interest for organisation and collaboration, and my last internship within Global Operations at Ericsson allowed me to follow an organisational transition into more agile ways of working. Change was a recurring theme in both experiences, and I learnt how understanding our environment is crucial in order to lead change forward and face the challenges and opportunities faced by my generation.
I’m currently pursuing my bachelor degree in Business Management at ESCP, moving across campuses in three different European countries. Being Swedish and Hungarian, this diverse cultural exchange resonates with my interest in people and communication, as seen and understood through both art and business. I find myself in the intersection of these two fields, and believe that an understanding of how we work as humans stand in the center of both.
Charlotte Rietzler
I was born and raised in Vienna, Austria - a city I left almost a decade ago but still feel extremely connected to.
Growing up in a home where art, music and literature were the epicenter of family conversations has shaped who I am and where I am going.
Ever since I remember, I was drawn to aesthetics, stories and cultures from around the world.
After graduating high school I moved to Paris followed by Shanghai to pursue my studies. There I had the opportunity to join leading Maisons that offered me a vertical insight to the global luxury industry and fostered my passion for the world of Design.
I completed my Master’s degree in International Business and joined Cartier in September 2020. Currently, I am based in Dubai overseeing Cartier’s Operations in Africa and Levant.
I strongly believe in the power of inspiring Maisons like Cartier, whose core values are to drive change in business, society and culture by uniting tradition and innovation.
On my journey through this fast paced life, I consider that the most important thing is to be present and to remain curious while questioning everything and practicing self-awareness.
“Get out of this room, go somewhere, anywhere. Sharpen this feeling of happiness and freedom, stretch your limbs, fill your eyes, be awake, wider awake, vividly awake in every sense and every pore.” - The Post Office Girl by Stefan Zweig.